~~Cards of Duty: A Gunny-Wars Story~~


W: Up
S: Down
Space: Shoot
A: Grabby Hand
R: Reload
Mouse: Pick Card / Interface
Arrow Left: Reduce Game Speed
Arrow Right: Increase Game Speed


If you think for a second that I know what's going on when I made this game you are sorely mistaken.  This was always a game to learn more programming concepts, and I think for that it served it's purpose. However, as a gameplay experience it might be a bit confusing for you the player. 

Hints: After you die - and you will die - stick with it like a rougelike and try to finish the game. I'd suggest opening up the throttle (arrow keys left/right) and playing at a faster speed once you get used to the controls and get a few upgrades going. The entire experience at full speed is around 25 minutes. At normal speed it's around double that. Enjoy!

StatusIn development
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